This 60-Day Challenge is here to kick-start your self-care routine! 

Time to Take Care of You 60-Day Challenge is a unique opportunity for you to pause, step back and rethink where you are and where you are going. As we emerge from this period of remote work, home schooling and caring for others, aren’t you ready to take care of you every day? Your Well-being and your Happiness is in your hands! Now is the time to build new habits, thinking, and acting to help you feel your best.

Are you, like so many people, focused on your family, your professional success, your career, your personal life, but rarely focused on taking care of yourself? When do you take that walk in the park, the day at the spa, the bike ride with friends, the yoga class you have been promising yourself on your to-do list? Are they all at the bottom? Maybe it is time to move them to the top. Perhaps it is time to change jobs or build that new business you’ve been thinking about. Whatever it is, it is just time for you to take care of you!!!

“How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self-worth so we must care for ourselves in every way, every day.”

Sam Owen

The price: $60 for 60 days

Are you longing for more gratitude, more happiness, more fulfillment, more fun in your life? You can make significant and positive changes in 60 days, just a few minutes a day. Right now, today, I invite you to join Time to Take Care of You 60-Day Challenge. The time commitment is small but the impact on your life will be huge.

“With every act of self-care your authentic self gets stronger, and the critical, fearful mind gets weaker. Every act of self-care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side, I am on my side, each day I am more and more on my own side.”

Susan Weiss Berry

Only $60 for 60 days! Why wait? This 60-Day Challenge is here to get your self-care routine started!

This 60-Day Challenge is designed to help you kick-start the new “you” that has been waiting for you.

As I shared with you in the video, the 60-Day Challenge is designed to help you see yourself through a fresh lens and create a personal change plan that will help you stay on course, a step at a time.

You are going to love this experience. It’s fun!

Here is what the program will do:

  • A Daily Inspiration. Every day you begin with a smile as you read an inspirational quote and share the wisdom.
  • Your Daily Intention. This is the oath we shared that we read with you every day to remember to take care of “you.”
  • Check in with Yourself. At the end of each day, ask yourself: What is one action I took to take care of me?
  • Connect with Your Community on the Wall of Wins. This is where you see how you are doing compared to others in your group. We will be checking in with you too to keep you smiling and moving forward. Those “high fives” are really inspiring!
  • The Coach’s Corner. This where I share ideas, tips, thoughts for you to sustain your momentum and guide you on your way.
  • Weekly Challenge. We’ve brought together great talks by TED speakers and one by me on “How to Make Change Your Friend.”
  • Today’s Gratitude. This is all for you. Our well-being and happiness is elevated when we are grateful, express our gratitude, and share our gratefulness with others.

Are you ready to Take Care of You?

With everything that’s going on right now, how do you create time to take better care of you?

This 60-day program shows you how.

For 5 minutes a day, you’ll reflect on what makes you happy, fulfilled and brings you joy, at work and at home. The various sections of the program are specifically designed to help you connect more deeply with yourself and become the best you can be, for you and for those you love. That’s right, you commit to just 5 minutes a day focused on caring for you.

Here is what people have said about how Time to Take Care of You 60-Day Challenge impacted their lives.

“For a long time, I have focused on taking care of others and my business. There never was much time left for me. The 60-Day Challenge opened my eyes to the importance of self-care and how much happier I am when I take care of me. I looked forward each day to the Daily Inspiration, Coach’s Corner and Andi’s feedback. They helped me focus on my intentions for the day, what I was grateful for each day, and the successes I had during the week. The Challenge helped me create habits that have made significant and positive changes in my life. It truly has been a game changer for me!” ―Barbara S.

“I was more than surprised with the outcome after 60 days. And the results for me? I have developed the new habit of waking up 30 minutes early, sitting on my porch drinking my coffee to help get ready for the day. I now look forward to that quiet morning time and have not missed a day since. I now make time for myself and activities that add to my overall health and well-being. I have also started gratitude journaling, and I start the day happier and appreciate those around me more.” ― Mari R.

It has been an amazing month. I really enjoyed the challenge and the camaraderie. It was like being on a journey with a group of people working towards the same goal. I loved reading others’ goals and gratitude entries. I got inspired every day. I enjoyed reflecting on my day and deciding what little victories I wanted to share. I could see the difference that joining the challenge made in my choices. At least a few times, I have chosen myself, where typically, I would have put someone else’s needs (or wants) first. Sending gratitude notes brought a magical response. Almost everyone wrote back, and some of them were people I don’t communicate with too often. Gratitude is one of my favorite practices, and it works wonders. I see it as self-care, so I was grateful to see it as a part of this challenge. ― Marta G.

Why the Challenge Works

This program is designed in a very user-friendly, time-efficient way so that busy people can practice self-care techniques that bring about positive results.

Time to Take Care of You 60-Day Challenge is a self-paced app utilizing what we know from the neurosciences, positive psychology and our need to belong and join in with others—to be part of a community.

We have designed the program so that everyone taking part in it begins at the same time. You are part of the Challenge community but you move along at your own pace. The program is easy to follow, adds a bit of inspiration and thoughtful guidance to every day, and supports you as you discover those things that make you smile and feel joy. At the end of each daily session, you express your gratitude, which builds your sense of well-being and happiness.

Some highlights that previous 60-Day Challenge participants shared with us:

  • I saw change happening right away.
  • I began to recognize the good things in life, small or large, and build on them.
  • I am living my life with greater happiness and joy, less stress and worry.
  • I feel calmer, more energized. Better.

And it’s only $60!!!

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.”

Jill Bolte Taylor

Ready to take charge of YOU?

Take Charge of You
for just $60 for 60-Days!

Sign up now!

Some of the most frequently asked questions:

It’s an online interactive experience that helps you focus on YOU, so you can become the best that you can be.

The Challenge uses principles of habit formation, positive psychology, and gamification to simultaneously educate, inspire, motivate, and focus your actions every day. We know that change is painful. Your brain doesn’t like the unfamiliar and would prefer you to keep doing what you always have. Maybe that is comfortable but not really what is right for you. A little self-care and self-focus could be just what you need to propel you forward.

60 days, about 5-10 minutes a day.

Most participants spend less than ten minutes on the platform. Do it at a time that is best for you. It is always there for you when you are ready to take care of you.

There are multiple pieces to the Challenge, most of which take longer to explain than to do. They include:

Daily Inspiration: You read an inspirational leadership quote.

Daily Intention: After focusing your intention on the oath of the Challenge, you state what you intend to do that day to practice self-care and to focus on what matters to you.

Wall of Wins: At the end each day, you write and share some of your wins publicly with the rest of your Challenge community. You can support and connect with these other participants through comments and high-fives. I will jump in and add my support as well.

Coach’s Corner: Three times a week, you receive short videos (less than 90 seconds) on a single tip for you to reflect on and apply in your daily actions.

Weekly Challenge: Once a week, you receive a longer video, such as a TED talk to inspire your purposeful thinking and behavior.One is even from me on how to make change your friend.

Gratitude: Once a day, you publicly share something you are grateful for. You can also read your fellow participants’ gratitude statements. This is important. We know that expressing our gratefulness improves our sense of well-being and happiness. This is people’s favorite part!

The Challenge leader (me) reads through all the wall of wins and offers daily encouragement and support.

For each action listed above, you earn points. At the end of the Challenge, the top point earners win prizes!

The Challenge continues through every weekend. You may find that focusing on your self-care behaviors (intentions, wins) may be more personally than professionally driven. It doesn’t matter. It only matters to you!

The platform and community are available for you to be as involved as you wish. Ideally, you set your intentions in the morning and reflect on your wins in the evening. However, if your schedule is such that you can only log on once a day, you’re welcome to use the platform in the way that will best serve your own development needs. If you miss a day or more, you can re-connect at any point. Earlier content will still be available for you to review.

No. You decide how much or how little of your work you share. Participants say that one of the biggest benefits of this program is how powerful is the shared communal aspect of going through this challenge with other like-minded people. Making your wins and gratitude public most likely will increase the learning, life changes and positive outcomes for you.

Are you ready to Take Care of You?

60-days to kick start you will stay with you forever. The time is right, and the time is now. Join us.

Together we can go farther than we can alone.

Register Here!
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